Privacy and Data Protection Policy
The protection as well as the privacy of your personal data are very important for the company Cidadesépia Atividades Turistas Unipessoal Lda, with the trade name Living Coimbra.
With the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, on 25 May 2018 (hereinafter gdpr), Cidadesépia is seriously committed to providing detailed information on the use and protection that is given to your personal data, the reason for its processing, as well as the rights that it has, in strict compliance with the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR.
I. Data Processing Officers in Cities Activities Single-person Tourists LDA
Cities Activities Tourists Unipersonal LDA is the entity responsible for the processing of personal data.
Ii. Processing of personal data
Cities Activities Tourists Unipessoal LDA only collects the personal data necessary for the entire and effective provision of the agreed services, namely accommodation, and subsequently they are registered, used, stored, consulted, communicated by automated and/or non-automated means, depending on the purposes for which they are processed.
The personal data processed may be provided by the Clients themselves (by completing the BA link)
Cidadesépia Atividades Turistas Unipessoal LDA does not perform any other type of collection of personal data through third parties or other means.
Iii. Categories of personal data
In the provision of the services Cidadesépia Atividades Turistas Unipessoal LDA proceeds to the processing of several categories of personal data classifying them as follows:
(a) civil identification data (name, gender, date of birth);
(b) personal and tax identification data (personal and tax identification number);
- Email.
Iv. The purposes for which the processing of personal data in Cidadesépia Activities Tourists Unipersonal LDA
Cidadesépia Atividades Turistas Unipessoal LDA processes the personal data of any holder under any of the following purposes:
- Compliance with legal obligations to which Citiesépia Activities Tourists Unipersonal LDA is obliged in particular:
- Compliance with obligations of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF):
In this case, various types of information are analyzed and processed, including information provided in their own identification document and check-in and check-out dates, as required by law.
- The other situations not fit in the above purposes require, in accordance with the GDPR, the obtaining of the consent of its holder, consent that must be provided freely, specifically, informed and unequivocal.
V. Recipients of personal data
For the fulfillment of their duties and for providing a quality service, Cidadesépia Atividades Turistas Unipessoal Lda. you may have to communicate your personal data to other entities, including the following categories of recipients:
- Public authorities, such as the Foreigners and Borders Services, tax authorities, judicial or administrative courts, among others;
- Service providers that provide services to Cidadesépia Activities Unipersonal Tourists LDA
Saw. Time limits for the retention of personal data
The processing of the data by Cidadesépia Atividades Turistas Unipessoal LDA will be kept for the period of time strictly necessary or mandatory for the fulfillment of the above purposes.
After the end of the contractual relationship, personal data, the processing of personal data and the retention of data will be for mandatory legal time limits or until they prescribe, in accordance with the law, the rights arising therefrom.
Vii. The rights of data subjects
Under applicable law, data subjects have the following rights: right of access, rectification, deletion and right to lodge complaints with the CNPD.
Viii. Contact points for the exercise of rights and request for information
To exercise any of your rights, as well as and whenever you have any questions about the processing of your data, or the information provided to you, you can contact the entity responsible for the processing of your personal data, through the usual communication channels and in the following:
Email: You can exercise your rights by sending an email to the
Address: you can also exercise your rights by sending a letter to the city’s local company Activities Unipessoal LDA, Rua Nossa Senhora da Saúde 136 3220-416 Semide – Portugal
IX – Cookies
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- What are cookies?
A cookie is a set of information stored on the computers of users who visit some web pages. Through cookies, websites can gather and store information about each user’s activity and equipment on the web and, depending on the type of data they contain and how they are sent to the web browser, they can be used to recognise users individually.
You can reconfigure your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some websites may not work properly without cookies.
The personalization of cookies allows users of web services access with some predefined elements, established through a set of criteria on the user’s computer; may include criteria such as language preferences, type of browser used to access services, regional configuration of where the service is accessed, etc.
- What are Cookies for?
Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of your websites, enabling faster and more efficient navigation, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.
- What Cookies are we using and what is the purpose?
None of the cookies used are essential for the use of the Website. On our website we use cookies only to provide a better experience in terms of use. Examples of some cookies we use:
- Technical cookies
Technical cookies allow you to browse a website, platform or web application and use the different options or services they provide, for example, control web traffic and data transfers, access restricted parts of the site, record the elements used in certain forms, pay for purchases, subscriptions or online events, use security features and store the content of audio or video files shared through servers and social networks.
- Personalization cookies:
Personalization cookies allow users to access web services with certain predefined elements, set on the user’s computer, based on a number of criteria; these elements may include language preferences, the type of browser used to access the services, the regional configuration of the zone where the service is accessed, etc.
- Analytical cookies:
Analytical cookies allow you to track and analyze information about how users visit the various pages of the site. The data collected with this type of cookies are used to measure activity on the page, application or web platform, as well as to build profiles of users of those same pages, applications or platforms, in order to improve the user experience and provide a better service.
See the following table for more information about the cookies we use on our website:
Google Analytics
This is a website reporting tool that lets you analyze how users use our website and get there. It allows you to store anonymous data on users’ browsing in order to detect the source of website visits and other statistical information. Google Analytics does not store personal information about our visitors.
information Google privacy policy
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You can disable cookies completely through your browser settings.
Please note that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this site and many others you are likely to visit. Disabling cookies implies disabling certain features and applications of this website.